Meal Plans Made Easy

Looking to add more structure to your weekly meals? Need to spice up your current meal plan? Do you have a specific diet or protocol you are planning to implement but not sure how it will work in terms of meal planning and groceries?

Invest in a personalized meal planning programs for your easy & affordable nutrition needs!

Meal Prep 101 -  199.00+


Together we will make a meal plan in line with your goals & prepare your meals.

  • 2 hours of meal prepping, cooking, measuring & organizing meals for the week in the comfort of your kitchen

  • tips & tricks for faster & cheaper weekly meal preparation

  • relevant recipes included

  • how to read and use nutrition labels for your goals

Meal Plan - 229.00 +


Meal times, combinations of food & variety of nutrients are just as important as which foods you are eating.  As such, I will create a personalized 7 day meal plan tailored to your needs, dietary preferences, dietary restrictions, schedule and fitness goals. All meal plans will have a combination of raw and cooked whole foods.  Recipes included will consist of easy to find ingredients and simple to prepare.

Meal Plan + Grocery Store Tour - 349.00+

  • 7 Day Meal Plan

  • 1 hour grocery store tour where I will guide you through shopping tips for your meal plan and teach you about reading nutrition labels.

  • Great option for those who may feel overwhelmed with changing their eating habits and want to learn the ropes.