EAV Biofeedback Testing

Assessing organs, food sensitivities, gut health and nutrient deficiencies to optimize health!


What is BioScan, EAV & MSA?

Electro Acupuncture according to Voll (EAV) uses 58 acupuncture points as a Meridian Stress Assessment (MSA) to look into your body’s overall health.

BioScan is the technology I use for my MSA scans; it measures electrical impedance similar to how body fat measuring machines use electrical impedance. Biofeedback testing is pain-free, non-invasive instant measurable data to assist on your health journey.

Based on your BioScan, we will more accurately curate a plan tailored to your goals.

What will the BioScan tell me?

Based on your MSA readings, we will see which way of eating and which supplements resonate with your biochemistry at this time; saving you time and money playing the guessing game!

We will also see:

  • if your cells are hydrated on a cellular level

  • if your cellular metabolism & energy production is optimal (if your body is absorbing nutrients and efficiently eliminating by-products).

  • digestion system including organs, digestive enzymes, passive leaky gut, food sensitivities & hormones.

  • nutrient deficiencies, heavy metals, allergies or other infections your body may be responding to at this time.


What to expect during your Bioscan visit:

After booking your BioScan you will receive a welcome email from me via Practice Better including consultation location, time, and health history intake forms.

Come to your scheduled 60 - 90 minute appointment preferably without hand lotion and well hydrated. You can comfortably sit while we discuss your intake forms, assess your meridian points and assess which, if any supplements resonate with you at this time. MSA Biofeedback assesses which systems are in homeostasis, acutely stressed or chronically stressed / weakened.

After your BioScan is complete, we will discuss some lifestyle, nutrition and supplement recommendations based on your results. My goal is for you to leave your session enlightened, empowered and set up for success catered to YOUR body, goals & MSA readings